

SPFA's National Industry Excellence Awards are presented annually at the SprayFoam Convention and Expo to honor our contractor members for their innovative, trail-blazing projects. 60-100 different entries are received from SPFA member contractors every year, representing their best work from the preceding year. The projects are judged by an independent panel, and are scored based on exceptional quality work, the uniqueness of their project, speed of application, ability to solve special problems and challenges, and special safety considerations.​ These projects are divided into several categories described below, and a runner-up and winner is awarded for each category. 

Watch this video to learn how winning contractors leverage their SPFA National Industry Excellence Awards

To view all of the awards for a particular year, click on the year below:
                                      2023    2022    2020     2019     2018         
                                      2017    2016    2015     2014     2013             
                               2012    2011    2010     2009     2008

Any SPFA member contractor can submit a project for the upcoming NIE awards. Projects for the SprayFoam 2024 NIE Awards must have a completion date between 12/1/22 and 11/27/23. 

The National Industry Excellence Awards Categories
Select the category title below to see all winners in that category since 2008.


Commercial Enclosure (formerly Commercial Wall) - Spray foam insulation installed in a commercial, institutional, industrial building or mixed use in assemblies such as interior or exterior surfaces of walls, beneath floors, ceilings, under roof decks, unvented attics, basements, crawlspaces, under-slab or exterior below-grade.

Residential Enclosure (formerly Residential Wall) Spray foam insulation installed in a residential or multi-family dwelling in assemblies such as interior or exterior surfaces of walls, beneath floors, ceilings, under roof decks, unvented attics, basements, crawlspaces, under-slab or exterior below-grade. 


Roof Under 40,000 sq ft Spray foam roofing systems (foam and coatings) installed on the top surface of a low-slope or sloped roof deck on a residential or commercial building where the total sprayed area is less than 40,000 SF. Includes spray foam roof restoration and re-coating. 


Roof Over 40,000 sq ft - Spray foam roofing systems (foam and coatings) installed on the top surface of a low-slope or sloped roof deck on a residential or commercial building where the total sprayed area is greater than 40,000 SF. Includes spray foam roof restoration and re-coating. 


Specialty Applications  (from 2008-2011 - Tanks and Vessels and Other Applications) - Novel or non-traditional applications of SPF insulation or roofing systems not addressed by the four categories above. These can include applications such as underground piping, storage tanks, theatrical stage sets, etc.  


Elastomeric Roof Coatings (since 2018)- Application of elastomeric roof coatings designed for new roof waterproofing installations on substrates other than spray foam. This category is limited to elastomeric coatings defined in SPFA-102. 

Concrete Lifting (since 2023)- A geotechnical application of polyurethane foam to lift, level and stabilize concrete slabs in ground contact.  Concrete slabs may include, but are not limited to sidewalks, driveways, floors, foundations and roadways.



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