SPFA Document Library
The SPFA Technical Committees have developed a library of documents for SPF contractors as well as architects, specifiers, builders and code officials. There are two types of SPFA documents. SPFA TechDocs are detailed documents that describe specific applications of SPF and are useful to both SPF contractors and design professionals. SPFA TechTips are short articles for installers. Both document classes are categorized into four subject groups: General, Insulation, Roofing and Specialty. General includes topics relevant for all applications of SPF. Specialty includes industrial applications that are not typically part of standard building construction.
SPFA TechDocs and TechTips are available at no charge for active SPFA Members
Non-Members may purchase SPFA TechDocs from the SPFA Online Store.
SPFA TechDocs
SPFA TechTips
SPFA TechDocs
- SPFA-118 Moisture Vapor Transmission: Guidance on moisture vapor transmission through SPF including tables and sample calculations.
- SPFA-119 Glossary of Terms: Definitions for SPF industry terminology
- SPFA-121 Spray Polyurethane Foam Estimating Reference Guide: Guidance for contractors for estimating SPF roofing and insulation applications
- SPFA-137 High PressureSpray Polyurethane Equipment Guidelines: Overview of equipment needed for safe application of high-pressure SPF materials.
- SPFA-143 Primers: Why, When and How to Use Them: Guidance on selection of primers for different SPF substrates and applications.
- SPFA-144 Coating Equipment Guidelines: Advice on equipment needed for application of single and plural component systems used for primers, fire protective coatings and roof covers.
- SPFA-145 Surface Texture of Spray Polyurethane Foam: How to define surface texture of SPF insulation and roofing foams. prior to coating applications.
- SPFA-155 Low PressureSpray Polyurethane Equipment Guidelines: Overview of equipment needed for safe application of low-pressure SPF materials.
- SPFA-112 Spray Polyurethane Foam for Residential Building Envelope Insulation and Air Seal: This document discusses the application of SPF insulation for residential applications. NOTE: This document is currently under revision.
- SPFA-126 Thermal and Ignition Barriers for The SPF Industry: Defines the requirements for both thermal and ignition barriers, and the tests currently accepted to qualify these materials.
- SPFA-134 Guideline for Insulating Metal Buildings with Spray Applied Polyurethane Foam: Guidance on substrate preparation, vapor retarder applications, thermal barrier applications and application techniques for metal buildings.
- SPFA-140 Spray Polyurethane Foam for Exterior Subgrade Thermal and Moisture Protection: Guidance for evaluation, preparation and installation of closed-cell SPF on the exterior side of below-grade walls.
- SPFA-141 Spray Polyurethane Foam for Cathedralized Ceilings and Unvented (Conditioned) Attics: Design and installation guidance for SPF insulation directly beneath sloped roof decks above cathedralized ceilings and unvented/conditioned attics.
- SPFA-146 Spray Polyurethane Foam for Hybrid Insulation Systems - Part 1: Climate Zones 1-3: Best practices for installing SPF insulation and air sealing in combination with air and moisture permeable (fibrous) insulations to create a hybrid insulation system in warmer climates.
- SPFA-147 Spray Polyurethane Foam for Hybrid Insulation Systems - Part 2: Climate Zones 4-7: Best practices for installing SPF insulation and air sealing in combination with air and moisture permeable (fibrous) insulations to create a hybrid insulation system in colder climates.
- SPFA-148 SPF Insulation Installation Certificate: Sample form for compliance with building code requirements for insulation levels and fire safety.
- SPFA-149 Architectural Specification for High-Pressure Spray Polyurethane Foam Insulation (CSI-Model Spec): A sample specification for SPF insulation in CSI-Model format.
- SPFA-152 Spray Polyurethane Foam Insulation for the Interior of Basement and Crawlspace Walls: Guidance for design and installation of SPF on the inside of crawlspace and basement walls and foundation.
- SPFA-153 Spray Polyurethane Foam Insulation for Below-Slab Applications: Best practices for installation of closed-cell SPF below concrete slabs.
- SPFA-154 Insulation Marketing Brochure: Marketing Brochure targeting benefits of SPF insulation in residential applications.
- SPFA-102 A Guide for Selection of Elastomeric Protective Coatings Over Sprayed Polyurethane Foam: A guide for elastomeric coatings for SPF roofing systems.
- SPFA-104 Spray Polyurethane Foam Systems for New and Remedial Roofing: Best practices for design and insulation of SPF roofing systems.
- SPFA-107 Spray Polyurethane Foam Blisters: Guidance on the definition, causes and repair of blisters in SPF roofing systems.
- SPFA-110 Spray Polyurethane Foam Aggregate Systems for New and Remedial Roofing: Best practices for design and installation of aggregate over SPF roofing systems.
- SPFA-122 The Renewal of Spray Polyurethane Foam and Coating Roof Systems: Guidance for preparation and procedures for renewal of an existing SPF roof system.
- SPFA-127 Maintenance Manual for Spray Polyurethane Foam Roof Systems: A guide for building owners and facilities managers to help maintain SPF roof systems.
- SPFA-130 Spray Polyurethane Foam Roofing: Marketing Brochure targeting benefits of SPF roofing systems for low-slope roofs.
- SPFA-138 Guideline for Roof Assembly Evaluation for Spray Polyurethane Foam Roof System: Provides substrate evaluation criteria for recover, re-roof, and tear-off operations.
- SPFA-139 Recommendations for Repair of Spray Polyurethane Foam Roof Systems due to Hail and Wind Driven Damage: How to evaluate and repair a SPF roof system after hail or wind damage.
- SPFA-142 A Guideline for Securing Roofing Components with SPF Adhesives: A guide for the use of single and dual component roofing adhesives.
- SPFA-150 Photo-Voltaic Systems and SPF Roof Systems: An overview of PV systems and how they interface with and affect the performance of SPF Roofs.
- SPFA-103 Spray Polyurethane Foam Insulation Systems for Metal Service Vessels Operating Between -35oC (-30oF) and 93oC (200oF): Best practices for the installation of closed-cell SPF on metal tanks and piping.
- SPFA-111 Spray Polyurethane Foam Systems for Cold Storage Facilities Operating Between - 40oC and + 10oC (- 40oF and + 50oF): Guidance for the design and application of SPF for cold storage buildings, focusing on proper moisture management.
- SPFA-157 Spray Polyurethane Foam for Concrete Lifting (Slab Jacking). Guidance for best practices
SPFA TechTips - Not currently available to non-members
G-1. Gun Cleaners
G-2. Maintaining Temperatures
G-3. Flush Pots
G-4. Maintaining Pressure and Ratio
G-5. On Ratio?
G-6. Determining Lift Thickness
G-7. Foam Switchover
G-8. Rig Readiness Inspection Checklist
G-9. Short- and Long-Term Rig Shutdown
G-10. Insulating Spray Foam Equipment
G-11. Fire Supression for Spray Rigs
I-1. Picture Framing
I-2. Exothermic Temperatures in SPF
I-3. SPF and Open-Combustion Appliances
I-4. SPF and CPVC Piping
I-5. SPF Adhesion to Engineered Wood
I-6. SPF on Wiring and Plastic Pipes
I-7. Installing High-Lift Closed-Cell SPF
R-1. Cold Weather Roof Coating
R-2. Reducing Roof Weight (with SPF)
R-3. Coating Reversion
R-4. Spraying Smooth Roof Surfaces
R-5. Scarifying SPF Roof Surfaces
R-6. SPF Roof Systems over Skylights
R-7. SPF Roof Systems over Wires and Conduit